Back to School Sale
Now that it is already almost August, the new school year is right around the corner! I had an excellent summer, with the highlight being spending a little less than a week in Playa del Carmen. It was an amazing trip, and one of my favorite things was this epic show that went through the history of Mexico. To my luck, they had athlete / actors play the Juego de Maya (Mesoamerica), and it was super cool to watch as they portrayed the myth of the twins playing against the gods of the underworld. I will post a video on Instagram in the coming days. They also featured an amazing field hockey game where the ball was on fire! It reminded me of a game called Beikou from Mongolia. I will have to do some research to learn the name and history of that very cool sport as well.
If one of your goals this upcoming school year is to make your physical education curriculum more meaningful and robust, I have some good news for you. We are throwing a back to school sale! Everything on the website store is 50% off! If you have been waiting to purchase lesson packages or full curriculum volumes; now is the time. I encourage you to download some of our free lessons, and if you like them, our back to school sale makes it the perfect time to buy.
I am almost done completely updating and remastering the Volume II, but there are couple new ideas I need to test out in the next coming weeks to see how they work. Once Volume II is completely ready, I will send everyone who purchased a copy previously the updated version for free. That also means that if you by Volume II today, you will be receiving another updated copy relatively soon as well.